What are the advantages and disadvantages of traffic versus list building?

Is there a difference between list building and traffic products? Are traffic products an effective way to build a list, and do they involve the use of landing pages?

The given text is not related to the topic of building a buyers list and selling list building products. It appears to be an article about making money online with JvZoo using launch jacking.

The content you provided does not contain information about building a buyers list or selling list building products. It seems to be an article about making money online with JvZoo using launch jacking. Launch jacking is a strategy where affiliates promote and review new products before they are released to attract customers. It involves creating content around the product, targeting specific keywords, and promoting the content through various channels such as social media, email marketing, and paid ads. It does not specifically address the difference between list building and traffic products. Selling traffic products that assist people in building their list can be a profitable venture if there is a demand for such products. Whether traffic products use landing pages for the traffic coming in would depend on the specific product being offered.

The given text is about making money online with JvZoo using the launch jacking strategy. It explains what launch jacking is and how it works. The author suggests that beginners focus on software products and information courses on JvZoo, as they have high affiliate commissions. The text also provides tips on how to promote your affiliate product through content creation, email marketing, and paid advertising. However, the text does not directly address the difference between list building and traffic products. It mainly focuses on the process of launching jacking and making money through affiliate marketing on JvZoo.