How can I create an email list in WordPress and use it outside of the platform?

Is there any way to use Contact Form7 to collect user emails when they sign up for my service, so that I can use them in the way I like?

Yes, you can use Contact Form 7 to collect emails and store them elsewhere. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Install and activate the Contact Form 7 plugin on your WordPress website.
2. Create a new form or edit an existing one using the Contact Form 7 editor.
3. Add an email field to your form by using the following code: [email* your-email]. This will create an email input field where users can enter their email address.
4. Save the form and copy the shortcode for the form.
5. Create a new page or edit an existing one where you want to display the form.
6. Paste the shortcode into the page content where you want the form to appear.
7. Publish or update the page.
8. To collect the email addresses submitted through the form, you can integrate Contact Form 7 with a third-party service or use a plugin that saves the form submissions to a database.

To integrate Contact Form 7 with a third-party service, you can use plugins like Zapier, which allows you to connect Contact Form 7 with various applications and services. With Zapier, you can create a Zap that triggers when a new form submission is received and then take actions like adding the email address to a spreadsheet, sending it to an email marketing tool, or saving it to a CRM system.

Alternatively, you can use a plugin like Contact Form DB, which saves the form submissions to a database on your WordPress website. This allows you to easily access and manage the collected email addresses.

Remember to always handle user data responsibly and in compliance with data protection regulations.

Overall, Contact Form 7 provides a great solution for collecting email addresses through contact forms on your WordPress website and gives you flexibility in how you store and use the collected data.